Top 5 Foods for Healthy Eyes

One of the most fascinating things about eye health is how it tends to relate to many other health trends. Read more and find out these top 5 foods for healthy eyes.

One of the most fascinating things about eye health is how it tends to relate to many other health trends. For example, it’s understandable to think that taking the necessary breaks can help give your eyes a rest and improve your vision overall. However, similar results can be achieved by eating the right kind of food. It’s a strange notion, but it’s also quite a lot of fun as the road to optimal eye health is just as recommended as it is delicious!

Here are some of the top foods you can eat for a healthy pair of eyes.

Sweet potatoes

When it comes to wonder foods — or food that provide an abundance of health benefits, few reach the heights of sweet potatoes. It is loaded with all sorts of vitamins, such as enough vitamin C for an entire day. It can’t be overstated how healthy sweet potatoes can be, as it not only helps you maintain a healthy weight, but it can also help you with your vision thanks to beta-carotene.


One of the classic foods that help with eye health, it is useful in much the same way as sweet potatoes. Orange fruits and vegetables such as mangoes, cantaloupes, and the like all have beta-carotene, which helps with your vision. Isn’t it interesting that some foods can keep the body healthy based on their color?

The darkest and leafiest of greens

Speaking of color, you can potentially enjoy improved vision by focusing on dark, leafy greens. A few good examples include spinach, collard greens, and kale. The reason why these wonderful greens are so useful is they come packed with vitamins, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin. These are different forms of vitamin A, which is known to help with general eye health.


As stated above, orange-colored fruits and vegetables typically help with eye health in one way or another. This time, what about an orange-colored fish? While salmon might not look orange, the meat shares the color, though this time it’s mostly a coincidence. Other fatty fish such as tuna can grant similar benefits due to the Omega-3 fatty acids. It would be a good idea to incorporate fatty fish into your diet, as failure to do so can increase the risk of dry eyes. Dry eye inflammation can be problematic if left unchecked, though you can find treatment options here.


Once again, the orange color links with eye health. Eggs come infused with zinc, which in turn helps the body utilize the aforementioned zeaxanthin which is a part of the yolk. Blue light from various sources tends to be the most damaging to the retina, though the compounds in eggs can help the eyes block blue light.

The very best part is that the foods listed above are accessible to most people, allowing you to enjoy the many benefits that come with the superfoods. It isn’t just about eye health, as the ones listed above can help the body avoid a variety of health conditions.

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